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I work with a wide range of conditions, including:

Stress related disorders: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, stress, insomnia
Pain relief: arthritis, backache, sport injury, neck pain, sciatica, tendonitis, RSI
Headaches: chronic headaches, migraines

Menstrual irregularities: PCOS, painful or irregular periods, no period, PMS, endometriosis or cysts
Fertility problems
Difficulty during pregnancy: nausea, low back pain, anxiety, breech presentation, induction
Hormonal disorders during menopause: hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue, moodswings

Respiratory problems: asthma, hayfever, sinusitis
Digestive disorders: IBS, constipation, acute and chronic diarrhoea, bloating, acid reflux
– Fatigue and tiredness: autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, ME, cold and flu
– High blood pressure

AcuGlow: Look and feel younger naturally

Our AcuGlow Facial is a natural and effective way to look and feel younger.  Based on the principles of Chinese Medicine, it involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into acupuncture points on the face, ears, neck, hands, body, and legs. This is followed by a super relaxing facial guasha massage using organic facial oil.